Unfortunately, Mozilla no longer supports the embedding API and other features that VideoLink depends on. It cannot be used with any recent version of Mozilla, nor am I working to update it for current versions. (But you are welcome to try this yourself.)
VideoLink was intended to provide a simple way of producing DVDs with attractive and usable menus. It converts HTML pages into DVD menus by rendering them in Mozilla and reproducing their link structure. This allows you to design DVDs using familiar HTML editing tools or your favourite text editor.
Prior to version 0.8, VideoLink was called WebDVD, but that name is also used for an extended DVD format.
In July 2006 I wrote a paper about creating DVD videos that may provide some useful background information.
VideoLink was available in Debian in version 5.0 'lenny' and version 6.0 'squeeze'.
Below you can find all available versions.